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Training in Inventive Problem Solving

Training purpose

Training in solving technical problems on the inventive level by using TRIZ methods.

We offer training courses of two levels of complexity.

  • Problem Solving Start. Trainees study the TRIZ basics, general approaches to inventive problem solving and the minimal necessary set of methods and tools.
  • Problem Solving Professional. Trainees acquire the skills of dealing with complicated problem situations and obtaining effective inventive solutions, study a wide spectrum of analytical and solving tools and methods.

Training subject

The Target Invention company offers training in solving nontrivial problems which occur in the course of development and operation of technical systems. The peculiarity of such problems consists in the presence of a strong contradiction which is impossible to solve by traditional engineering methods.

The methodical basis of training is Target Invention Problem Solving technology and the Algorithm of Improving Problem Situations.

The Algorithm allows building a distinct use sequence of numerous methods of problem situation analysis and effective problem solving. The Algorithm was developed as a generalization of the results of the multiyear work on problem solving by means of TRIZ, verified by performing a large number of production projects and by solving problems with students in the course of training. The Algorithm proved to be highly effective and easy to learn. It provides a systematic and organized work on a problem.
Studied are also individual methods of performing all necessary actions for analyzing problem situations and for dealing with a problem: functional and process analysis, root-cause analysis, multi-screen scheme, size-time-cost operator, harmful system, 40 inventive principles, su-field analysis and system of standard solutions, transformations according to evolution patterns, smart little people modeling, etc.


  • Engineers, designers and developers dealing with complicated problems from various fields of technology
  • Managers who control design and production processes
  • Specialists engaged in inventive and innovative activity
  • Technical university students

Welcome all specialists wishing to learn to cope with complicated problems and to obtain many competitive patents!


  • Knowledge of the TRIZ basics
  • Knowledge of effective approaches to improving problem situations
  • Ability to untangle problem situations, identify key problems and find strong solutions to them, develop these solutions into technical proposals and implement them
  • Skills of using special analytical and solving TRIZ methods

Training forms

Target Invention E-Learning

The purpose of the e-learning course is introducing a student to the TRIZ basics and providing them with initial problem solving skills. The main e-learning advantages are simplicity, accessibility and flexibility. The e-learning course includes numerous examples, case studies, and training tasks. This allows a student to practice in using the algorithm and individual methods and tools.

The problem solving e-learning course. An example of the creative task

Target Invention Training

Our full training cycle for professional TRIZ solvers has three levels:

  1. A short introductory course.
  2. Advanced trainings under the guidance of experienced teachers. The peculiar feature of our trainings is dealing with real problems in the real-time mode.
  3. Master classes. Master class participants solve problems in conditions which are maximally close to real consulting, under the guidance of an experienced TRIZ solver. The solving process is accompanied by the explanation of the fine points of the methods and approaches being used.

In case of corporate training, the three levels can be combined in different ways depending on the goal, initial preparation level of trainees and available time resources.

Trainer Elena Novitskaya analyzes a trainee's project
Trainer Elena Novitskaya analyzes a trainee's project
TRIZ Master Nikolay Shpakovsly at the master class
TRIZ Master Nikolay Shpakovsky at the master class


  • The same algorithm for all problems. The same algorithm is used for solving all problems. This increases the students’ competence and reinforces their skills.
  • Practice-oriented training. The training materials of the workshop contain detailed instructions and recommendations on the actions to be performed at different steps of the Algorithm and explain how, when and where one or another method should be used. Specially developed mini-algorithms help students memorize sequences of operations and immediately use them in practical work.
  • Training based on real problems. Students work on problems and problem situations arising in production practice. A group can also deal with problems proposed by students themselves.

TRIZ Master Nikolay Shpakovsly with group of trainees
TRIZ Master Nikolay Shpakovsky with group of trainees

Target Invention training
Target Invention training
Example of problem solving training materials
Example of problem solving training materials
Case study: inventive problem solving
Case study: inventive problem solving
+375 (33) 353-40-40, +375 (29) 110-28-54
triztrainer (at) gmail com, a ivanov (at) triztrainer ru
2011-2025 © LLC "Target Invention"