Target Invention technologies are based on TRIZ. TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving), the Russian brand of effective invention, has gained worldwide recognition. Samsung, Boeing, POSCO, Toyota, Intel, LG, Hewlett Packard, Xerox, Proctor&Gambel, Gillette and hundreds of other companies striving for leadership have seen the true value of advantages offered by TRIZ.
Using the TRIZ methods helps to solve the most difficult problems meeting the market challenges and innovative process requests. The practical activities of solvers – professionals from all over the world – helps to develop TRIZ, perfect its tools, develop new methods, and find increasingly effective approaches to the work on inventive problems.
We employed our multiyear experience in solving inventive problems for different companies for maximal adaptation of TRIZ approaches and methods to modern practical needs of engineers and designers. This work resulted in the development of the target invention technologies.
The Target Invention technologies are aimed at satisfying the innovative process requests. It helps to obtain practical and effective solutions to the company’s topical problems.
The basic part of the Target Invention Problem Solving technology is the algorithm of improving problem situations (AIPS). This algorithm systematizes methods of problem situation analysis and problem solving and builds a distinct use sequence of these methods. Many of the employed methods were developed within the framework of TRIZ; elements of system analysis were also used. The algorithm provides fast finding of effective solutions which improve a problem situation at minimum expenses. |
Obtained inventive solutions need protection. It should be foreseen that competitors will attempt to circumvent your patent. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to cover a promising idea with a so-called patent umbrella. In other cases, on the contrary, it is necessary to find a new system version which wouldn’t be less effective than that of the competitors, but wouldn’t be covered by their patent. Target Invention Idea Protecting makes it possible to determine all principal implementation versions of a given technical system and to select the most patentable ones. |
Target invention implies not only correction of already existing problems but also foreseeing the situation evolution some steps ahead – forecasting how technical systems are going to change in future. Companies armed with such a forecast can themselves form the technology future – find methods of implementing the predicted versions of systems and to surpass competitors. For a reliable forecast, we use the method based on the technical system evolution laws – Evolution Trees. |