Target Invention
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Training in practical use of technical evolution regularities
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Training in practical use of technical evolution regularities

Training purpose

Obtaining the knowledge of technical evolution regularities and learning to use them in practice while perfecting technical systems, forecasting their evolution and protecting inventive solutions.

Training subject

The course includes three modules.

  • The first module is dedicated to the study of the theoretical basics of technical evolution: the “technical system” notion, laws of technical system evolution, implementation mechanisms of these laws.
  • The second module deals with a detailed study of the basic technical system evolution patterns and methods of combining them into evolution trees.
  • The third module investigates the Target Invention Idea Protecting and Target Invention Forecasting technologies and trains the skills of using evolution patterns and trees.

Target Invention Idea Protecting and Forecasting technologies

Technical system evolution patterns and trees are useful tools for designers, engineers, inventors and other specialists dealing with technology perfection. Using the evolution patterns and trees provides a purposeful and methodical development of technical systems. These tools are particularly helpful in the following situations:

  • when it is necessary to circumvent a patent without cardinally changing a device;
  • when it is necessary to provide a reliable patent protection of inventive solutions;
  • when it is necessary to obtain a wide spectrum of solutions to a technical problem;
  • when it is necessary to make a reliable forecast of technical problem evolution.


  • Engineers, designers, process engineers dealing with complicated problems from various fields of technology
  • Managers responsible for the production development strategy
  • Patent attorneys
  • Engineers and designers dealing with technology perfection and generation of new ideas which need patent protection
  • Technical university students


  • Knowledge of the technical evolution regularities
  • Skills of constructing an evolution tree for a specific technical system
  • Skills of forecasting the evolution of a specific technical system by using an evolution tree
  • Skills of generating a wide spectrum of alternative solutions for creating a patent umbrella
  • Skills of finding alternative versions of a technical solution which are uncovered by patents

Training form

The course is organized in the form of a training workshop. The course duration is 3, 5 or 8 days (they differ in the depth of the training material study and in the amount of practical work).

A fragment of the combine evolution tree
A fragment of the combine evolution tree

Target Invention training
Target Invention training
Example of evolution training materials
Example of evolution training materials
Case study: patent circumventing
Case study: patent circumventing
Case study: forecasting technical system evolution
Case study: forecasting technical system evolution
+375 (33) 353-40-40, +375 (29) 110-28-54
triztrainer (at) gmail com, a ivanov (at) triztrainer ru
2011-2024 © LLC "Target Invention"